• You’ve finished a work – poem, essay, short story, novella, book – and wonder if it’s publication ready. First, congratulations on finishing the work. That in itself is huge. Second, yes, it’s always good to get another pair of eyes on it. Does it have to be professionally paid eyes? The answer is, “Maybe.”

    Here are some different ways to get feedback: critique groups, open mics, beta readers, paid beta readers (this option can get confusing, because some professional beta readers are experienced editors and some are not), professional editors.

    Forms of feedback can be as simple as the expressions on the audience’s faces at an open mic and as detailed and complex as a fifteen-page developmental edit letter accompanied by many hundreds of in-line comments that not only tell you where the problems – large and small – are, but also give you a blueprint for the rewrite.

    Unless we’re writing in our own private journal for our own eyes only, every writer needs feedback. Which we need when is the tricky question. Take your time, and check out the options. Make sure you know exactly what you’ll be getting. The terms for the various types of editing can vary from person to person, and the same name mean slightly different things. Just as with actual text, it’s all in the details.

    Finally, pick someone with solid skills, who you think you’ll be comfortable working with, and – this is not essential but is definitely a nice bonus – someone who gets your book or genre.

  • I write (or have written) literary, historical fiction, science fiction & fantasy, poetry, and memoir. I read all of those as well as a great many mysteries and romances. My NASA background makes me a particularly good fit for work where catching holes in the logic is especially important, e.g. science-fiction, mystery, tech or academic writing. I’ve experience editing science fiction and fantasy novels & memoir, and coaching academic and IT work (including for ESL speakers). I would love the opportunity to edit a mystery or a romance.

My Editing & Coaching Service

  • For a nominal fee of $25, I will edit the first five pages of your manuscript. This allows you to see if my editorial style works for you. It also gets your closer to polished sample pages to query with.

  • For a nominal fee of $40, I will edit the first ten pages of your manuscript. This allows you to see if my editorial style works for you. It also gets your closer to polished sample pages to query with.

  • Manuscript review looks at all structural elements of a book – plot, characters, setting, voice, story arc and beats, etc. – but the reading is much less intensive and detailed than in a developmental edit.

    I’ll write a report of about 5-7 pages that describe the major issues of the book and touch on possible solutions. Unlike the developmental editing report, this report leaves most of the work of figuring out how to create and apply the solutions to the writer. Also, the manuscript itself it not marked up with inline comments and feedback.

    This is perhaps a good fit for a more experienced writer who wants that second set of professional eyes on their work (we all need that!), but is experienced in solving story-related puzzles. It may also be a good way to get a preliminary idea of whether your story structure hangs together before spending a lot of time tuning details.

    Thank you for considering trusting me with your work. My charge varies depending on the length of the book/novella/etc. The charge for an ‘average’ novel of about 85K words would be $800. If I feel like a fit, contact me using the form below with genre, wordcount, synopsis, and first five pages, and I will email you with a quote and when I would be able to do the work.

  • For a full developmental edit, I do a careful, close reading and look at all structural elements of the book – plot, characters, setting, voice, story arc and beats, etc. – and write up a 10-15 page report (or possibly more, depending on the book). I also extensively mark-up the text with inline comments that point out specific examples of where something is problematic or where it’s done particularly well.

    The inline comments include some line editing, providing examples the writer can follow. (I don’t guarantee to catch everything, nor to do the copyediting.)

    The report and the marked-up manuscript, between them, lay out any issues in the structure of the book, suggests possible solutions, and generally give extensive information to guide the writer’s rewrite choices. This includes references, web links, plot diagrams, etc., if appropriate for the particular book. Also any basic publishing and market information that might be useful.

    A good developmental edit report often takes a while to digest, because it challenges the writer to look at their book a different way. Pick an editor who has skills, but also one who comes to each book with an open mind, or, even better, who can share and support your vision.

    Thank you for considering trusting me with your work. My charge varies depending on the length of the book/novella/etc. The charge for an ‘average’ novel of about 85K words would be $2400. If I feel like a fit, contact me using the form below with genre, wordcount, synopsis, and first five pages, and I will email you with a quote and when I would be able to do the work.

  • I enjoy working one-on-one with writers. Whether you need someone to work out ideas with, read and critique your work on an ongoing basic — perhaps to keep you going as you write a book — or just make you feel accountable to keep writing at all, I’m happy to help. The way we interact can vary depending on what works best for you. An example might be a forty-five meeting each month in combination with a critique and discussion of 25 pages or so. I charge $200 for this, or $500 for a three-month package. If you sign up to work with me over several months, I will keep track of where you hope your work will go over that length of time as well as where it is in any given month.

To inquire about any of my services, please fill out this form and I will be in touch with you shortly. Tnx!